About Me

I believe...

  • I believe you deserve to read a good book that makes you feel better for having read it

  • I believe the baggage of guilt is a burden

  • I believe my books are for you if you want clean stories that aren't afraid to go deep

  • I believe exploring our inner demons helps us face them

  • I believe stories should have conflicting characters facing impossible decisions

It’s time to get excited about clean books again.

I'd won dozens of awards (many of them 1st place) at multiple writing conferenes around the state. Yet I wasn't getting traction with traditional publishing.

How was my writing receiving acclaim, prompting agents to request full manuscripts, but no one was biting?

I booked an in-person meeting with an agent who told me my manuscript didn’t fit the mystery and suspense box because it was too clean, but didn't follow the rules of cozy. If I wanted to write mystery and suspense, I had to deliver swearing, sex, and descriptive violence.

I said no.

My favorite authors are Mary Stewart, Shirley Jackson, and Daphne du Maurier, but there are no contemporary books like theirs. Too suspenseful to be cozy, but without the swearing and sex scenes modern suspense novels are required to have.

I decided I can't be the only one who wants to read a book like that.

So I wrote it.

What they are saying about my work

I'm a sucker for voice and this had it right from the go. I was immediately hooked. The tension and suspense were so well done and has an emotional impact.

-Storymakers Judge

Inna Lyon

Amanda is a very productive, multi-genre writer. I read her books and stories and am always amazed by her thorough research, her knowledge of the subject, and her wildest imagination.

Michaelene Munro

I enjoy Amanda's writing. I like mystery and suspense without having to worry about it getting too dark or gruesome. Her characters are well developed with flaws and weaknesses that contribute to the story.

Whitney Cox

The imagery of her writing is beautiful, with intriguing scenes.

Becky Weise

I couldn't put it down! The setting was transportive. The characters were so lifelike, I'd recognize them if they walked into the room. The mystery kept me on my toes till the last page. The Lost of Lake Hotel has made a mystery reader out of me!

© 2023 Amanda Siri Hill - All Rights Reserved